the Group Future Dining Table (FDT)

Automatic Dish Recommendation System for People Dining Together

Dining is clearly indispensable for our life and closely connected to the feeling of happiness and the life quality. So a tabletop dish recommendation system for multiple participants dining together in response to their dining status, which is named the Group Future Dining Table, is presented.

The Group FDT system recognizes multiple users’ real time dining activity, stores it as the dining history, and gives dish recommendation in response to the dining status obtained from this information. The recommended dish image is shown on the table by a projector.Cameras are set above the dining table to recognize the dining status of multiple users. To estimate dining status, user’s dining activity is recognized and dining status history, such as who ate the dish, what dish was eaten, and when the dish was eaten, is stored. Meanwhile the amount of food left in each dish is measured. Proper dish is supposed to be recommended in perfect timing, according to the users’ dining status history, and the left amount of food.

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  • Tomoo Inoue, Future Dining Table: Dish recommendation based on dining activity recognition, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 332, pp.39-49, 2010.