Remote Video Figure Achieves Smooth Cooperative Movement in a Bi-directional Telepresence Robot Environment on CRIWG 2018


This paper presents a study of telepresence robot environment where each of two remote sites has a telepresence robot from the other. By situating the telepresence robots in the relatively same positions of the remote users in both sites, collaborative physical environment can be realized when the users wear head-mounted displays to see the robots’ views. Such an environment has been implemented as a prototype system. Because how to achieve physical cooperative movement between a telepresence robot and a human is an issue to be studied in this environment, an experimentation of passing by each other with the prototype system was then conducted as an example of cooperative movement. It was observed that the movement was smoother when watching the video from the telepresence robot than when watching the other telepresence robot in front of the user. It suggests the usefulness of nonverbal cues through video combined with the recognition of partner’s position.


Cooperative work; Positional relationship; Nonverbal cue; Telepresence robot