- Information Processing Society of Japan, Special Interest Group on Groupware and Network Services (IPSJ SIG-GN)
- Human Interface Society, Special Interest Group on Communication Enhancement (HIS SIG-CE)
- The Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Special Interest Group on Cyberspace (VRSJ SIG-CyberSpace)
Conference Venue

CollabTech 2012 will be held in Sapporo. Sapporo, with the 5th largest population in Japan, is the political and economic center of Hokkaido and is famous for seafood, Genghis Khan (a Mongolian mutton barbecue), Ramen (Chinese noodles), and Sapporo Beer.
Located on almost the same latitude as Milan in Italy, Toronto in Canada and Marseilles in France, Sapporo has the same daylight hours as theses cities. The climate differs, however, due to the influence of ocean currents. While the winter in Sapporo is cold with heavy snowfall, the spring and summer are warm with the least amount of rainfall during the year.
The conference venue for CollabTech2012 is International Conference Hall (学術交流会館 in Japanese) <#64 in Champuse map in English, Chinese, Korean> at Hokkaido University (http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/en/). The university is conveniently adjacent to main station (JR Sapporo Station).

New Chitose Airport - Sapporoby by Rapid Airport Express. Approx. 40 min./1,040 yen
From Airport by BusNew Chitose Airport - Downtown Sapporo. Approx. 1 hr. 20 min./1,000 yen
More venue information
- Campus Map (http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/bureau/map-e/mapindx1-e.htm)
- New Chitose Airport Website (http://www.new-chitose-airport.jp/en/)
- JR Hokkaido Website (http://www2.jrhokkaido.co.jp/global/)
- Sapporo Blessed by Snow (http://www.welcome.city.sapporo.jp/english/)
- Hokkaido Official Tourism Website (http://en.visit-hokkaido.jp/)