Journal Publication
Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol.29, no.11
Kosuke Sasaki, Zhen He, Tomoo Inoue, Using video activity reports to support remote project-based learning, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol.29, no.11, pp.1336-1360,, 2023.11.
IJDET, vol.21, no.1
Ari Nugraha, Tomoo Inoue, Tamara Adriani Salim, Muhammad Hanif Inamullah, A dialogue-like video created from a monologue lecture video provides better learning experience, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), vol.21, no.1, pp.1-21,, 2023.11.
International Journal of Informatics Society, vol.15, no.2
Kosuke Sasaki, Zijie Yuan, Tomoo Inoue, Utility of remote workers’ video of a surrogate telepresence robot for predicting its motion, International Journal of Informatics Society, vol.15, no.2, pp.89-101, 2023.10.
Frontiers in Computer Science – Human-Media Interaction, Vol.4
Jui-Ying Wang, Sho Kubota, Tomoo Inoue, Effects of meal similarity on interpersonal synchronization in three-party remote dining, Frontiers in Computer Science – Human-Media Interaction, Vol.4, Article 838229, 18p, doi:10.3389/fcomp.2022.838229, 2022.6.
Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol.27, No.12
Atsuko Matsumoto, Takeshi Kamita, Yukari Tawaratsumida, Ayako Nakamura, Harumi Fukuchimoto, Yuko Mitamura, Hiroko Suzuki, Tsunetsugu Munakata, Tomoo Inoue, Combined use of virtual reality and a chatbot reduces emotional stress more than using them separately, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol.27, No.12, pp.1371-1389, doi:10.3897/jucs.77237, 2021.12.
Journal Paper was Published on International Journal of Informatics Society
The following paper was published: Tomoo Inoue, Kumiko Kawai, Boyu Sun, Kosuke Sasaki, Visual appearance is not always useful: Voice is preferred as a mediating conversational agent to support second language conversation, International Journal of Informatics Society, Vol.12, No.3, pp.177-185, 2021.3.
Journal Paper was Published on IPSJ Journal Vol.62, No.1
The following journal paper was published on IPSJ Journal: Kosuke Sasaki, Tomoo Inoue, Effects of the notification of native speaker’s speech rate on second language conversation, IPSJ Journal, Vol.62, No.1, pp.115-124, 2021.1. (in Japanese)
A chatbot system for mental healthcare based on SAT counseling method on Mobile Information Systems 2019_2
Takeshi Kamita, Tatsuya Ito, Atsuko Matsumoto, Tsunetsugu Munakata, Tomoo Inoue, A chatbot system for mental healthcare based on SAT counseling method, Mobile Information Systems, Vol.2019, Article 9517321, 11p.,, Hindawi, 2019.3. Abstract In recent years, mental health management of employees in companies has become increasingly important. As the number of psychotherapists is not enough, it is necessary for employees to be able to keep their mental wellness on their own. A self-guided mental healthcare course using VR devices has been…
Coordinating Real-Time Serial Cooperative Work by Cuing the Order in the Case of Theatrical Performance Practice
Abstract Our goal is to facilitate real-time serial cooperative work. In real-time serial cooperative work, the order of subtasks is important because a failure of the order leads to a failure of the whole task. So, coordinating the order of workers’ subtasks is necessary to smoothly accomplish the tasks. In this paper, we propose a method that uses vibration to present the action order and coordinate the orders. We conducted a user study to verify the effectiveness of the method…
“Vibration Cues for Action Orders Improve Efficiency of Theatrical Performance Practice” was presented at CSCW 2018
Abstract: In theatrical performance practices, actors are stressed once practice stops due to occurring mistakes. Our goal is to reduce the number of mistakes occurring in the theatrical performance practice by cuing the action order. We introduce a cuing system which uses tactile cues through vibrations and notifies actors of the turn of actions. We also reported the user study of the system. The results of the study suggested that the task-order coordination by the cuing system may be used…