- Tomoo Inoue, Sharing roles between human and computer: collaborative work in the physical world, International workshop on Human-Engaged Computing (IWHEC 2019), Kochi, Japan, January 12, 2019.1. (Invited talk)
- Tomoo Inoue, in Panel Session “Golden Rules for Publishing Your Paper” of the 78th National Convention of IPSJ, Kanagawa, March 10, 2016. (invited talk)
- Tomoo Inoue, Differences between stand-up and seated co-dining conversation, The Ninth Communication Design Workshop, Tokyo, March 29, 2014. (invited)
- Tomoo Inoue, Influence of video synchrony on communication and social presence in asynchronous video-mediated co-dining, The Eighth Communication Design Workshop, Ibaraki, March 22, 2013. (invited)
- Tomoo Inoue, Expanding scope of digital content research, in an Event Program “Encouragement of Digital Content Research” of the 75th National Convention of IPSJ, Miyagi, March 7, 2013.(invited talk)
- Tomoo Inoue, Media design for enhancing interpersonal communication, Seminar of the School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, November 30, 2012. (invited)
- Tomoo Inoue, Dining Computing and interaction research, The seventh Communication Design Workshop, Chiba, March 9, 2012. (invited)
- Tomoo Inoue, How to communicate smoothly in this divergent society, NPO Wako Publishing and Media Association foundation memorial lecture series, Saitama, March 3 & 29, 2011. (invited)