Invited Speech and Lecture

  1. Tomoo Inoue, Sharing roles between human and computer: collaborative work in the physical world, International workshop on Human-Engaged Computing (IWHEC 2019), Kochi, Japan, January 12, 2019.1. (Invited talk)
  2. Tomoo Inoue, in Panel Session “Golden Rules for Publishing Your Paper” of the 78th National Convention of IPSJ, Kanagawa, March 10, 2016. (invited talk)
  3. Tomoo Inoue, Differences between stand-up and seated co-dining conversation, The Ninth Communication Design Workshop, Tokyo, March 29, 2014. (invited)
  4. Tomoo Inoue, Influence of video synchrony on communication and social presence in asynchronous video-mediated co-dining, The Eighth Communication Design Workshop, Ibaraki, March 22, 2013. (invited)
  5. Tomoo Inoue, Expanding scope of digital content research, in an Event Program “Encouragement of Digital Content Research” of the 75th National Convention of IPSJ, Miyagi, March 7, 2013.(invited talk)
  6. Tomoo Inoue, Media design for enhancing interpersonal communication, Seminar of the School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, November 30, 2012. (invited)
  7. Tomoo Inoue, Dining Computing and interaction research, The seventh Communication Design Workshop, Chiba, March 9, 2012. (invited)
  8. Tomoo Inoue, How to communicate smoothly in this divergent society, NPO Wako Publishing and Media Association foundation memorial lecture series, Saitama, March 3 & 29, 2011. (invited)