We invite you to participate in the 25th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2019).
The conference is a major forum for both academics and practitioners to exchange their experiences related to the development and use of collaboration technology, and it has a strong focus on technology design and development. Most published papers propose innovative technical + human + organizational approaches to expand collaboration support, often backed up by theory brought from various disciplines including computer science, management science, design science, cognitive science, and social science. However, the conference also seeks papers with theory, models, design principles, methodologies, and case studies that contribute to better understand the complex interrelations between collaboration and technology. Considering the heterogeneity of research in collaboration and technology, researchers may address the validation of their work through multiple approaches including laboratory experiments, fieldwork, analytic evaluations, case studies, prototyping, and empirical tests.
This year, the conference is the first merger of the 2 major conferences CRIWG and CollabTech which have been jointly held for the past few years, with slight renewal of its name to represent expanding scope of the field. It is held in the birthplace of CollabTech, Japan!
Electronic paper submissions are accepted in two categories: full papers and poster abstracts. Full papers have a length of up to 16 pages, while poster abstracts have a maximum length of 4 pages. Full papers appear in the proceedings, while poster abstracts are made electronically available. Accepted full papers will be published by Springer as part of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series (www.springer.com/lncs).
The authors of the best papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit extended versions to a journal special issue.